Performance snapshot
- 52,649 Average number of employees (2015: 52,266)
- 7.71 All injury frequency rate (2015: 7.18)
- $20.2million Community investment (2015: 15.20)
- $1.98billion Procurement spend (2015: 2.6)
- 4,062kt GHG emissions (2015: 4,334)
- 0.60kl/t Water use efficiency (2015: 0.64)
- 285 New cases of occupational TB (SA) (2015: 315)
- 1,504 New cases of malaria (2015: 2,244)
- 70% leadership roles filled by internal candidates
- 7 Occupational fatalities(2015: 11)
- 2 Fatalities from security incidents (2015:0)
- 1 Reportable environmental incident (2015: 4)
Material issues
Our sustainable development challenge is framed by the material issues facing the company. Our reporting reflects these issues as they are highlighted by the business and our stakeholders.
We review and determine our material issues through a robust filter, applied in a consistent way which enables us to shape our sustainable development strategy and respond to challenges in a coherent and dynamic way.
Employee safety
and community health
community expectations
and demonstrating
Responsible environmental stewardship
closure management
Artisanal and
small-scale mining
(legal and illegal)
community and
asset security
Respecting human rights
skills development and employee relations
regulatory and political uncertainty and risk
Case studies
External charters and assurance
AngloGold Ashanti subscribes to a number of external principles, charters and standards which are most critical from a sustainability perspective at a group level. Where relevant, links to reports produced by the group under these standards are included below.
External assurance
We engaged an external assurance service provider to assess our compliance with the guidelines of the GRI G4 and the Sustainable Development Principles of the ICMM.
The Sustainable Development Report 2016 was assured by Ernst & Young.
Our approach to assurance External assurance statementExtractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
The EITI is a global standard to promote open and accountable management of natural resources. AngloGold Ashanti discloses all information on tax payments, licences, contracts, production and other key elements around resource extraction, to the EITI. This information is disclosed in an annual EITI Report (to see all EITI Reports, go to
A breakdown of payments to governments is available in this data table.
The "International Cyanide Management Code For the Manufacture, Transport, and Use of Cyanide In the Production of Gold" (Code) was developed by a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee under the guidance of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and the then-International Council on Metals and the Environment (ICME).
World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold Standard
AngloGold Ashanti uses the World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold standard as an important tool to ensure the gold we produce is conflict-free. AngloGold Ashanti rejoined as a member of the WGC at the end of 2016 and our independently assured conflict-free gold report is available here. Reporting Initiative
This report complies with the G4 guidelines of the Global Reporing Initiative. These guidelines are the benchmark for sustainability reporting globally. We report at a core level against the guidelines. The GRI Content Index is presented in PDF format.
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR)
AngloGold Ashanti subscribes to the VPSHR. These are a set of principles designed to guide companies in maintaining the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that encourages respect for human rights.
www.voluntaryprinciples.orgCarbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
CDP works to transform the way the world does business to prevent dangerous climate change and protect our natural resources. The CDP holds the largest collection globally of self-reported climate change, water and forest-risk data. Through a global system companies, investors and cities are better able to mitigate risk, capitalise on opportunities and make investment decisions that drive action towards a more sustainable world.
www.cdp.netSustainable Development Goals (SDG)
On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development officially came into force. These goals aim to focus efforts to end poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change. We have mapped each of our material issues according to these goals to test their relevance to our external landscape and to societal expectations.