Introducing AngloGold Ashanti, explaining who we are, our strategy and investment case
- Production 3.4Moz
- Productivity 13.31oz per total employee costed
- All-in sustaining cost down 7% year-on-year
- Improved safety performance AIFR down 36%
Delivering on our strategy
Explaining what we do – how we create value, how we share value and how we have performed in delivering on our strategy and strategic objectives – given our external operating environment and the consequent risks and opportunities
- 3.4Moz Production at the top of guidance, lower year-on-year due to asset sales
- $773/oz Total cash costs at the lower end of guidance of between $770/oz to $830/oz
- 14% the South Africa region’s contribution to group production
- ZAR 95c Dividend declared, given strong cash flow performance
Delivering on our strategy
Ensure financial flexibility
Optimise overhead, costs and capital expenditure
- Adjusted EBITDA of $1.48bn
- Free cash flow improves significantly to $67m
- Net debt down 17%
- Enforced capital discipline
Delivering on our strategy
Improve portfolio quality
Maintain long-term optionality
- South Africa restructured – now cash positive
- Self-funded, value enhancing projects making good progress
- Obuasi redevelopment begins
- Maiden Ore Reserve declared at Quebradona
Delivering on our strategy
Focus on people, safety and sustainability
- 44,249 Average number of employees
- $15.2 million Training and development expenditure
- $22.3 million Spent on community investment
- $1.6 billion Spend with local suppliers
Leadership and accountability
We review our performance and philosophy regarding corporate governance, remuneration and assurance of the information presented in this Integrated Report.
- Ethical leadership
- Responsible corporate citizen
- Promoting diversity
- Fair and responsible pay