About this report
The AngloGold Ashanti Sustainability Report 2019 presents comprehensive and detailed information on our performance in improving the sustainability of our business.
AngloGold Ashanti’s 2019 suite of reports comprises:
- <IR> Integrated Report
- <NOM>* Notice of Annual General Meeting and Summarised Financial Information (Notice of Meeting)
- <SR> Sustainability Report
- <R&R> Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Report
- <AFS> Annual Financial Statements
- <WWW> This reporting website
- * Publication has been delayed as the forthcoming annual general meeting has been postponed.

In setting our reporting boundary for each material issue, we have considered the impacts that result from the activities of AngloGold Ashanti and its associated companies, as well as from external factors. In exceptional circumstances we may report on developments, impacts and data outside our reporting boundary where these are material to the business and its sustainability performance.
In the context of this report, “outside of the organisation” refers to our suppliers, where we do not own the assets and do not directly engage or employ the workforce, and where we do not operate the asset under a contractual obligation. “Within the organisation” refers to all operations and entities in which the group has a controlling interest, and which are under our management in terms of a contractual obligation. We do not report non-financial information for Morila mine in Mali or Kibali mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which are managed and operated by our joint venture partner Barrick Gold Corporation.
Compliance with reporting standards
This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. These standards are the benchmark for sustainability reporting globally. In line with this option, we have conducted a robust materiality assessment and focused our reporting on these aspects.
AngloGold Ashanti is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and this report serves as the 2019 Communication on Progress (COP). Our sustainability approach and activities are also aligned with the Sustainable Development Framework of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).
The section on frameworks and standards provides additional detail of compliance with other frameworks, including voluntary memberships.
GRI content index
Report assurance
Download EY's independent assurance report
Data and transparency
We recognise that the data on our core sustainability disciplines is increasingly important to our stakeholders in analysing our performance, and we have consequently provided this information in Excel format. We believe this is an improvement that significantly improves transparency by making the data easier to extract and analyse.
Significant changes in reporting parameters
There have been no significant changes in our reporting parameters during the year.
Information is consolidated and reported as AngloGold Ashanti results for assets under our control. For assets where we have a significant influence, we may choose to report information externally if it is of specific interest to our stakeholders and applicable agreements allow.
By control we mean we own the assets and engage or employ the workforce.
Significant influence
By significant influence we mean we operate the asset under a contractual obligation to the owners.
Ongoing improvements to our data collection systems, processes and quality can result in restatements of previously reported data. Such restatements have been provided in the body of this report and are noted as such in the footnotes or corresponding disclosures.
Additional information
More information about AngloGold Ashanti is available on our website, www.anglogoldashanti.com.

Online Sustainability Report 2019
This year our online report provides additional content related to our performance.
- Video case studies highlight key initiatives
- Detailed data speadsheets are available for download
- Data is viewable as interactive charts