Report 2021
AngloGold Ashanti has a track record of working to build and improve its sustainability performance by mitigating impacts from our operations, engaging constructively with communities, and working to fairly share the benefits of mining among stakeholders. Meeting our sustainability goals has for many years been an intrinsic part of our business; in fact, these goals are enshrined in our corporate values.
2021 at a glance
30,561 average number of employees
$7.11m spent on training and development
$515m paid to employees as salaries, wages and other benefits
Health and safety
27%1 increase in year-on-year in all injury frequency rate (AIFR)
90% reduction in all occupational disease frequency rate (AOFDR)
1 AIFR excludes discontinued operations
69% reduction in total emissions since 2007
1.53 Environment Incident rate per million tonnes mined
First Climate Change Report published
Self-sustaining communities
proportion of spend
on local suppliers
2 Excludes joint ventures and includes capitalised expenditure
Human rights
ZERO human rights violations recorded
Inaugural Modern Slavery Statement
and Human Rights Report published
Leadership messages

From the chairperson of the
SES Committee
Dr Kojo Busia
Chairperson of the Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committee

From the desk of the CEO
Alberto Calderón
Chief Executive Officer

From the Chief Sustainability
and Corporate Affairs Officer
Stewart Bailey
Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer
Our material issues
Our material issues include the ESG issues that could affect our ability to create value in the short, medium and long term.
Case studies
AngloGold Ashanti Ghana promotes health in the community
Serra Grande achieves full conversion to filtered tailings
Australia understands how healthy minds lead to healthy mines
New culture journey designed to build business sustainability
Geita builds essential high schools in Tanzania
Transformation fund supports businesses in Colombia
Iduapriem improves safety through fatigue management
Stakeholder engagement
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